It pains me to say and admit to myself, but I have to stop drawing Ms. Fortune. I started the comic on a whim some time ago and it was meant for me to get used to consistently create comics. It served its purpose for a very brief moment.
My life went through drastic changes around that time so I had to put it on hold. Then when things got a little less chaotic, I picked up drawing the comic again. THAT was short lived again as things got super chaotic, but this time it was for the best, mostly.
I got into a little groove consistently making pages, but during that time and developed/am developing several other comic projects. All of which I mapped out and can finish them all. That one detail has me more excited to drop Ms. Fortune to focus on these projects and knock them out one by one.
More word on these comics soon. Thank you so much to those early Ms. Fortune readers and those who stuck around. I truly appreciate it. Don’t worry, a lot of the ideas and themes I had in that comic and planned to implement are being repurposed into these new projects. I will miss Mei Li Cheung and the characters I introduced, but holding onto a project I no longer was excited to draw was holding me back. I’m very amped up for this new era in my comics work!!! Thanks again, please stick around!
Oh and collected pages of Ms. Fortune issue 1 is available in the shop for free or pay what you like, here: The Aberrant Adventures of Ms. Fortune Issue 1